Our Location
We are on the northwest side of Chicago between Schaumburg and Wheaton. Our address is:
6N171 Gary Avenue
Roselle, Illinois 60172
We have our worship service at 10:30am on Sunday morning. Sunday School classes for all ages meet at 9:30am.
We look forward to meeting you on your first visit. Come as your are — the leaders dress conservatively, but you’ll see people dressed in all styles—from jeans to business suits. At Living Hope Bible Church, we love to lift up our praises to God through both traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs. Our goal is that you will be assured of God’s love for you and grow into the image of Jesus as a result. You may want to see a map of our facilities.
Where To Go, What To Do
Ushers stand at the doorway to the auditorium to hand out the programs for that morning’s worship and also to help you find a seat if necessary. You are welcome to sit anywhere.
The order of worship is simple and often consists of the following things:
- Welcoming remarks and announcements
- Congregational singing
- Prayer
- A morning message (i.e. “sermon”)
- An offering collection to support the work of the church
You won’t have to recite anything or kneel at special times. You don’t have to stand up and be introduced, or come forward for any reason. And you don’t have to put anything in the collection plate just for visiting Living Hope. There’s no reason to feel uncomfortable!
Connection Card
Please let us know you visited by filling out a “Connection Card” that is included in the visitor’s packet. Drop that in the offering plate when it comes by. Better yet, introduce yourself to some people around you or speak to one of the pastors before you leave. We would love to get to know you!