6N171 Gary Avenue, Roselle, Illinois 60172


First time visitor? .... Find out how, where and when we worship. We hope to see you soon!!


Breaking Free from Worry

2/4/2023 How do we break free from sinful worry and start living a life of […]

February 4, 2023

The ABCs of Scriptures for Kids

Verses from the KJV (with updated words for ease with children) Bold – for younger […]

January 28, 2023

From Bitterness to Forgiveness

From Bitterness to Forgiveness (Ephesians 4:31-32) Happy Thanksgiving! But for some it’s not so happy. […]

November 22, 2022

Welcome to Living Hope Bible Church

We are a community who firmly believes in God's sufficient Word. Come journey with us.

The reason Living Hope Bible Church exists is to glorify God. We believe that God is most glorified in us as we learn to trust and be satisfied in Him alone. We seek to glorify God by putting our trust in Him, following in His ways, and gathering together as many new worshipers of Him as possible. We want to treasure Him in corporate and in private worship, know Him better by learning the Bible and communicating with Him in prayer. We also want to extend His love to others in the greater community through fellowship, support, discipleship and service. We rely on God Himself to bring change, growth, healing and maturity to our church.

What a joy to realize that if you know Jesus, you are part of Gods forever family. If you live in the Chicago area and you are looking for a church home, we hope you will prayerfully consider worshiping with us!


Living Hope Bible Church exists to glorify God by bringing people to Jesus and membership in His family, helping them to grow and change in Christlike maturity, and equipping them for service to God in the local church and in mission to the world.


What to hear more life-changing messages? ... Check out our entire sermon archive!






Sunday Morning Worship, 10:30am

February 16, 2025 10:30 am

On Sunday mornings the Living Hope family gathers to worship God together. During this time we sing praises to God, pray together, hear God’s Word taught, and remember Jesus through the act of taking the Lord’s Supper. These gatherings are life-giving and welcoming to all. Our main focus is discipleship, that is, growing to be more like Jesus. Discipleship is central to all we do and we believe it to be important for the whole family.

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Get involved

God's people are called a forever family, a precious flock, a temple where He dwells, and a unified Body. Get involved in serving Jesus and His people. Don't just be a disciple - be a disciple maker!
