What Is Online Biblical Counseling?
Online biblical counseling is convenient, caring, effective, and affordable from the convenience of your home! Pastor Matt Black studied theology and Spanish for his undergrad and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts Degree in Biblical Counseling at Faith Bible Seminary (Lafayette, IN). He is certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). He has been a foreign missionary in the Madrid and Basque regions of Spain and is currently the Senior Pastor at Living Hope Bible Church in Roselle, Illinois.
Online biblical counseling is the same Gospel-informed and truly compassionate counseling you’d receive from me in an office. The difference is that we meet by video on your laptop or phone. You get a link to our video appointment through email. At the time of your appointment, click the link and we begin our session. It’s that simple.
Especially now, in these anxious and chaotic times, we need hope. We need someone to talk with and share our struggles.
Even in good times, bad things happen, our emotions overwhelm us, and our relationships get rocky. Sometimes we feel afraid, even hopeless. But through caring and effective counseling, you can get hope & help anytime and anywhere.
For members of our church, sessions are free. For non-members, the cost is $40 for a one hour session or 8 sessions for $300). I counsel men as well as couples. The 20 minute consult is free.
Why It Works!
Through online video and assignments sent to your email, I will show you the compassion and care that Jesus gives. Since 2001, I’ve counseled men and couples in person and online throughout the US and outside the US.
An experienced, certified biblical counselor, I will guide you to discover God’s solutions for your struggles. Together we’ll pray. We’ll laugh. But most importantly, we’ll look to the loving truth in Scripture to change your heart and change your life. Counseling will require some homework each week, so you will need to commit time outside of our session to learn and apply the Scriptures to your life.
Online video counseling lets me listen to your story, get to the root of your problem, and provide practical help and God-honoring solutions that lead to real change in your life.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23
What Problems Do You Help?
I counsel men and couples in the following areas:
-marriage enrichment
-complex marriage problems
-depression, despair, hopelessness
-fear, worry, panic attacks, recurring thoughts/compulsions
-relational difficulties
If there is an area you would like me to counsel you in that is not listed above, please mention it in our free initial consultation.
Your Next Step
Contact me to schedule an appointment or to set up your FREE phone consult. During a FREE phone consult, I’d love to answer your questions and then you can decide whether biblical counseling is a good fit for you.
Please note: Matthew Black is a Christian pastor and not a professional state-licensed counselor, which is a medical profession. Biblical counseling is a religious function. Consult your prescribing physician BEFORE you make any changes to your medication. Pastor Matt provides pastoral care and biblical counseling based on the Bible.