Living Hope Bible Church
6N171 Gary Avenue, Roselle, Illinois 60172
Available: Immediately.
Note: The person applying may not be ready to be an elder/pastor of the church and may begin as a pastoral assistant. The person will likely not have all the qualifications listed below, as the qualities are ideal. We are willing to train where the candidate is lacking. We can also have a temporary internship if necessary and then bring the candidate onto our staff.
General Description
Living Hope Bible Church is a multi-cultural, Gospel-centered church in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago. Doctrinally we are Reformed, holding to the New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith with a covenantal understanding of theology.
The person we are looking for would first and foremost be a passionate preacher of the Gospel. Concerning the following job description, it should be noted, that these are general guidelines. We hope that the man God calls to this position will be an ambitious, self-motivated person that will in many respects fill out his own job description.
Personal Skills:
- Leadership—the Associate Pastor should be able to lead in a variety of contexts (individual, small groups, large groups) in such a way that Jesus Christ and his gospel are central. He should be a self-starter and an initiative-taker.
- Relational—the Associate Pastor should have a heart to care for people, not just manage systems; that drive should manifest itself in the appropriation of time.
- Administrative—while seeking mainly to shepherd people, the Associate Pastor should have the skill set and ability to effectively manage the various administrative tasks associated with the position.
- Preacher—the Associate Pastor should be an effective preacher who is able to rightly handle the Word and joyfully engage in expository exultation personally.
- Teacher/Equipper—the Associate Pastor should be able to effectively “equip the saints for the work of the ministry.” This is done through teaching not only in formal ways, but through one-one-one biblical counseling.
- Communicator—the Associate Pastor should be able to clearly and concisely communicate between the elders and the members of LHBC.
- Peacemaker—the Associate Pastor should be able to tactfully and winsomely unite people with varying perspectives to advance harmony and love and to achieve common goals.
Essential Ministry Responsibilities:
The Associate Pastor shall…
Possess godly character by growing in grace and knowledge of God… (1) By maintaining a devotional life of prayer and meditation on the Word. (2) By faith-enriching reading and study. (3) By engagement in personal and corporate worship. (4) By glad participation in mutual care and accountability with other believers at Living Hope Bible Church and beyond.
Other duties:
- Shepherd God’s flock…
- Preach and teach on a monthly basis (generally once a month)
- Organize special ministries (men’s retreats, men’s breakfasts, church picnics)
- Help administer the ordinances of the church (Baptism, Lord’s Supper)
- Help organize the music ministry of the church
- Provide regular updates to the council of elders
- Engage in shepherding, counseling, and at times crisis response
- Participation in all regular church services as well as pastoral elders’ meetings and other pastoral staff events will be normally expected.
- And do whatever the Lord directs through the Senior Pastor and the Elder Council
- Lead children’s and youth ministries
- Organize Junior church on Sunday mornings (10:30am), help recruit workers for Junior church
- Organize and recruit for Vacation Bible School. Administrate and train workers. Be willing to teach the Bible story each night.
- Help teach and lead youth ministry on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings
- Provide oversite and recruit workers for Legacy Kids and Kingdom Seekers
- Organize the media ministry
- Help recruit and train people for the tech team (sound, slides, video, internet)
- Be ready to trouble shoot any media or technology glitches
- Participate in all regular church services: Sunday school – 9:30am, Sunday worship – 10:30am, once a month Sunday evening worship – 5pm, life groups (every other week February to June, September to Thanksgiving).
- Participate in planning the church schedule.
- Participate in elders’ meetings once a week on Thursdays (online) and one Tuesday a month (in person)
- Other duties as appropriate: If you are musically inclined, assist with our music program.
Salary & Benefits
- Starting Salary: to be discussed
- Medical: Will provide premiums for Medishare or an Obamacare type plan
- Benefits: Cell phone, book budget, expense account
- Parsonage: 1605 Evergreen Avenue, Hanover Park, Illinois
- 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathrooms, living room, den, kitchen, large yard
- All utilities are paid for (electric, water, gas, waste)